Meet the Creative Duo!

Marco Berardini, CEO & Founder 

Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, Marco Berardini has lived and worked in every fashion capitol in the world including Paris, Milan, London, New York, Munich and Sydney. From advertising and fashion editorials to working extensively with beauty majors in the upper echelons of A-list global celebrities.

He created EVOLUTIONMAN to prove that a modern skincare and grooming collection for men can be polished and sophisticated while maintaining ethical and green formulation, packaging and business practices. EVOLUTIONMAN is a simple system that can easily be integrated into anyone’s lifestyle. With just two or three steps, you can visibly see an improvement in skin. Today, he is based in Los Angeles as a software engineer with a passion for web apps, programming languages, and education.

Ozzy Alvarez, Product Designer & Developer 

Born in Michoacan, Mexico to a mother who only attended high school, and a father who never had the chance of a formal education. Growing up surrounded by agriculture and farmlands in Modesto, California he learned to embrace adventure and keep his mind open. His appreciation for the theatre, film, and television background comes from performance and improvisation. This led him to become curious in the arts, design and sustainability.

He started working in the shipping department for EVOLUTIONMAN and he quickly jumped to become the lead designer at EVOLUTIONMAN. He received his B.S. as an Industrial Designer with honors and a minor in business at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California.